Am citit toate posturile pluginului si am gasit urmatoarea chestie:
adminii sa nu vada ownerul intrand pe server.Adica sa nu apara welcome: x aka:owner
"Sorry to bump...but I would love to have this and display to admins we can see hiding players. Any chance someone could do this? Any help would be great"
You can replace ADMIN_CFG with whatever access level you want below. This access is a must to use "amx_names".
#define ACCESS_AMXNAMES ADMIN_KICK // check for the other access flags...
You can also replace ADMIN_ADMIN below with whatever access level you want to be required to get the welcome msg about a user logging in...
#define ACCESS_WELCOMEMSG ADMIN_KICK // you can replace ADMIN_CFG with ADMIN_ALL and everyone will receive the welcome msg
So in in this one all that have ADMIN_KICK can see who connects